Miss J's World

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Under the Rain

Jackee and Jood were walking down the main road in JWorld when it suddenly started to rain. Seeing a little cottage nearby both of our friends hurried towards it.

But before getting to the cottage Jood stopped. Jackee looked behind and said 'Jood! Come on'
But Jood stood there without a word
'Come on Jood. It is raining heavy and we need to go inside. Do you want to get soaked?'

'You go ahead Jackee. I'll stay out' Jood replied

'No, I don't want you to get sick' Jackee said that while going back to where Jood was standing and continued 'Why would you want to stay out?'

'I don't think I should tell you' Jood was being really calm about it and it made Jackee sad.
'You seem afraid, what's wrong?'
'Yes I am'
'What of?' Jackee had to know

After a few moments under the pouring rain, Jood decided to tell Jackee what he was afraid of.
'You always say one must sit down on a chair after entering a cottage and I know that is what you will do after entering that cottage, and I do not want to sit down'

'We are not going inside to sit down, we are going in because it is warmer and it will protect us from rain that we are under right now. I do not want to get sick and I sure care for you not to as well. I might want to sit down yes but why is it so frightening to you?'

'I just don't want to sit'

'Then don't. Just come inside for the warmth. And if we feel like we need to sit down we will; if not we won't. But I don't want us to get sick as a start. What do you think?'


  • Probably Jood is not afraid of sitting, its how long will he be sitting for and whether the chair will be comfortable or not, or whether the chair will stand him or not? That could be what is scaring him the most.

    just a thought

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:25:00 PM  

  • sometimes little things people do can irritate you, you feel shy to tell them so, then little things pile up...
    being frank with friends can resolve lots of problems, Jood finally chose to be frank, and told Jackee he doesn't want to sit, Jackee didn't kill himself, he didn't hate Jood for it, and it just ended the problem -ella eza jood tanna7, haik betseer ossa tanyeh-

    was wondering, why is J World a males-only world??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:22:00 AM  

  • Anticipating consequences for decisions yet to be made, well it doesn't work that way and you know it well, never overcalculate the risks. (I can assure you that vagueness was not my intention here)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:39:00 PM  

  • Life deserves the sacrifice. .

    By Blogger Jo Black, at 11:04:00 PM  

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