Why?..Part II
Please refer to Why?..Part I in the following URL
I ran into Jimlo, the carpenter, the other day and I asked about Jeesh and his planet. Jimlo told me that Jeesh did not listen to any J person and he moved to the boarder line of J World so no one would oppose planting the M World plant, he thought that after he proves that the plant can grow in J World he would show them all they were wrong.
Unfortunately that did not work; the plant was getting weaker everyday and Jeesh went crazy. Instead of thinking logically to help the plant and get it what it really needed, he went off to W World to get some fertilizers. He could not go back to M World because he was not thinking straight, he just wanted the plant to grow in his land so badly, that he eventually messed up everything. He thought that fertilizers from W World would not be so different from M World’s; you can always flip the letter W and it would be an M!!
Those fertilizers did not help the plant grow at all, it only made it weaker. And one day the plant talked to Jeesh and asked him to return her to M World, Jeesh cried because he did not want to loose it and did not want to loose. After few days of not listening to the plant, Jeesh admitted defeat and sent the plant back to M World, because he did not want to watch it die!
I ran into Jimlo, the carpenter, the other day and I asked about Jeesh and his planet. Jimlo told me that Jeesh did not listen to any J person and he moved to the boarder line of J World so no one would oppose planting the M World plant, he thought that after he proves that the plant can grow in J World he would show them all they were wrong.
Unfortunately that did not work; the plant was getting weaker everyday and Jeesh went crazy. Instead of thinking logically to help the plant and get it what it really needed, he went off to W World to get some fertilizers. He could not go back to M World because he was not thinking straight, he just wanted the plant to grow in his land so badly, that he eventually messed up everything. He thought that fertilizers from W World would not be so different from M World’s; you can always flip the letter W and it would be an M!!
Those fertilizers did not help the plant grow at all, it only made it weaker. And one day the plant talked to Jeesh and asked him to return her to M World, Jeesh cried because he did not want to loose it and did not want to loose. After few days of not listening to the plant, Jeesh admitted defeat and sent the plant back to M World, because he did not want to watch it die!
:) blogging is not allowed during official working hours...
taking sentences out of context changes thw whole meaning (wala taqrabo al salah), same it goes when copying habits from one culture to another, or life styles, without taking the history that caused these to evolve... polar bears can never live is Saudi Arabia (someone's most favorite country,,, right!?!). Political parties, interested people, investors, fought for tens of years trying to bring communism/liberalism/(or whatever they saw to serve their interest) to Arab countries, it never worked, and never will, cause we didn’t live the the history that caused these ideologies to evolve.
You know miso, your posts remind me of surreal paintings; people perceive them in a way that reflects their inner thoughts and concerns then tend to think that this is what the painter meant, while the real meaning is caged between the ribs of the painter.
Anonymous, at 12:57:00 PM
These ideologies never flourished in the Arab world because Arab minds tried to reflect them on their own islamic thinking, depriving them of their original shape. But never forget that even the islamic ideology itself and almost every stone God the Arabs worshipped before can be traced back to the middle East.
Sorry Mais
Anonymous, at 9:32:00 AM
شكرا برغوثي على هذه المداخلة، و نتمنى لك حياة سعيدة و مديدة
Anonymous, at 12:44:00 PM
When your are lead by your own passion you think positively in everything you do, and you believe that your passion will do the impossible, it makes you think you are doing the right thing while sometimes you would be doing the opposite to that. But it is the same passion that let you know when to stop and when it is enough! Jeesh gave us his thoughts in the end for the planet to live. The same passion that made his start the whole thing made him stop in the end!
Anonymous, at 1:24:00 PM
correction >> When your are lead by your own passion you think positively in everything you do, and you believe that your passion will do the impossible, it makes you think you are doing the right thing while sometimes you would be doing the opposite to that. But it is the same passion that let you know when to stop and when it is enough! Jeesh gave up his thoughts in the end for the plant to live. The same passion that made him start the whole thing made him stop in the end!
Anonymous, at 1:26:00 PM
Thank you guys for the VERY interesting comments
It really makes me happy seeing you reacting to my posts in ways I never expected.
I'll post soon inshallah :)
Maijaury, at 1:49:00 PM
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