Miss J's World

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Jackee and Jood went climbing. They had all the equipment ready, they wore the appropriate outfits, and had their big bags on their shoulders. They tied themselves with a rope while climbing to help each other on the way and stay together-just like professionals!

It was a sunny day and everything was going well, until the sky started darkening slowly. It was night time.

Soon the whole raod infront of them was black and they could see nothing.

'Jood.. Do you have a lighter?' Jackee asked
Few moments of silence and there was no answer!

'Jood?.. Are you there?'
'Yeah' Jood replied
'What do you have in your bag? Do you have a lighter or a neon or anything we can use to show us the road?'
More silence and no answer!

'JOOD!! What's wrong? Can you hear me? Im talking to you' The silence started bugging Jackee
'Im here' Jood said

'Oh my God! I noticed that you are there and ok and nothing is wrong with you. But why aren't you answering my questions. I need help here'
More silence...!!

'I can't believe this.. It's not funny you know. I don't know what you're trying to do but it's only making me angry' Jackee was really getting angry
But Jood kept silent

After a long sigh filled with rage Jackee said, 'Ok.. I need to calm down to understand what you're trying to do!.. Is it hard for you to answer my questions? If it is hard to talk just hit the ground once for a Yes and twice for a No, ok?'
Suddenly Jackee heard a hit on the ground, and it made him laugh! Finally he was getting answers.

'Ok.. Now back to where we were, do you haev anything to light up the road for us?'


Friday, March 16, 2007

I Shall Go Back..

It smells but I can not smell anything..
Sounds around me but I can not hear anything..
I see but I can not see..
I have lost my senses!

And I remember the old man, his words ring in my ears; he said: 'Let it be, Don't you would only hurt yourself'
I didn't listen, I never listen!

Deprived from my feelings, I now perceive the existance of chains on me.
I was never able to take the stairs. No matter how hard I tried, I could never climb the first one. Time after time I tried..

Exhausted, I need to admit defeat. I lost..
Go back! I shall go back..

Forgive me my soul for destiny have always faught against us and I can not bare anymore..
Abandon me, my colors! You brought me misery and no joy; you brought me defeat and no triumph..

This road was never mine..
I shall go back and walk the grayed..

Saturday, March 10, 2007

This Daffodil

I love daffodils, and I love the smell of dafodils.

So I had to talk to this daffodil because it makes me angry to see it sad.
I told her that the frog was born like that. He was born ill, and he has been blind because of that. The type of blindness he has is not very rare, and it affects his ability to see and smell the exceptionally beatiful flowers.

And when she innocently asked 'Doesn't the princess kiss the frog in the story so he turns into a prince?'
I had to say 'But the frog had to blackmail the princess to get the kiss. And whether we are with or against the concept of blackmailing, it does not change the fact that the princess was forced to kiss the frog! Bacuse, dear daffodil, a princess is not supposed to kiss a frog'

But when even after that the daffodil was not convinced I had to call for Gabriel Garcia Marquez to help me. And do you know what he said!

He said:
'If you love something set it free....If it comes back to you it is yours, if it doesn't then it was never yours'

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Morpio

Jaina was a gifted J person.
He could read any book from any world of the alphabets.

Unlike our world, languages in alphabet worlds differed not in letters but in radiation. Each world's language, when written, radiates certain waves that indicate which world the writting was from. Those waves are then translated into feelings that a reader gets. You do not learn the different languages, you either know it or you just don't.

Jaina, however, was one of the rare people who could understand all different languages from all worlds; or so he claims.

Mahi from M World heard about Jaina's gift and decided to prove he was wrong. So he went to the M library and got the toughest book there is; and he was certain that no matter how gifted Jaina was, he will not be able to read this book. It was called the 'Morpio'.

It was few days later, when Mahi visited J World with the book 'Morpio' in his hands. All J people gathered in the central park of J World, to see if Jania could read Morpio.
Mahi shouted 'Who is Jaina?'
Jaina stood out in the crowd and said 'I am Jaina. I do not want to sound arrogant but I have, so far, read all books presented infront to me. I do not know if I can or can not read the Morpio, but I doubt that I can't'
After a sarcastic giggle Mahi handed the Morpio to Jaina and said 'Well, here you go!'

Jaina sat down on the ground and opened the Morpio.

He could not feel anything.
He sat there with the Morpio in his lap, all people staring, waiting. But he could not read the book.

After a long silence and a lot of staring, people started whispering.

'So..?' Mahi said in a challenging tone.

Jaina looked tired. He tried but he could not read the Morpio. It was not like any other book he ever saw. It was so.. closed!
Even after the long laughs that Mahi had infront of the whole crowd, Jaina had nothing to say until Mahi asked 'Do you feel hurt because you could NOT read the Morpio?'

'No.' Jaina replied with a very calm tone, 'I can not read the Morpio, but that is not why I am hurt. What hurts me is that I think the Morpio can read me.'