Miss J's World

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Building a house in J World

I am building a house in J World. Ofcourse it's not that fancy, it shouldn't be. J World is a simple world.

I have decided to build a home for me there because I thought I could use some peace, and more simplicity. The days are passing by and with each day the chance of me having the time to spend there becomes smaller. I need to stay there for a while, like a vacation but from everything, not just work.

The days Im spending building the house are the days I think I can stay there. After finishing it I don't think I will be able to stay any longer. But its ok, that is the way you enjoy time in J world.

Well, the goals and aims of our actions in J World are different. It is the proccess itself that counts, not the result of it. For an example, when you make a cake in J World you so much enjoy MAKING it that you can make it disappear after you're done. Tha aim in making the cake here is not the cake itself, but rather the enjoyment of mixing the ingredients. It makes you feel so good that you can make the cake, that you have the power and the knowledge to do so. It boosts your self esteem, its healthy.

I need to live that once in a while. I need to forget all reasons and put sense aside so I can regain some of the good karma Ive been loosing. So, I'll be seeing you in a week :)


  • Dear Miss J,

    Deep thoughts! I enjoyed reading it. It says alot about who you are, you should be a lil more cautious. Oneself can get transperant when writting with passion.

    I always expected you to be a Kantian, I guess i was wrong with that as well. You're more of Hobbes-ian. Miss J said: 'It is the proccess itself that counts, not the result of it.' I Must diagree here!. Not just to support the great Kant, however, I really beleive what counts is what is left at the end. That does not mean to justify the process, on the othr hand.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:01:00 PM  

  • Dear anonymous,

    First I would like to thank you for visiting my blog and for dropping the interesting comment. And to tell you the truth I had to google 'kantian' and 'hobbes' to know what you were referring to. I really enjoyed reading about them.
    And for others who don't know, Immanuel Kant and Thamas Hobbes are both philosophers. In my brief research I have found Hobbes more materialistic than Kant, he mostly argues about desires and aversions of human being and how individual interests can affect the state of the society. Whereas Kant argued more about the good will and how one must always be 'just' and sometimes be 'benevolent'. (Please feel free to correct me)
    Aside from all that, I only write what is in my head dear anonymous, I do not plan it. I can not tell you if I am a kantian or a hobbesian because I do not know what I will write tomorrow. And if you knew me well enough, it wouldn't be so hard to see into me without needing to read what I write here in my blog. I bet with your good analytical skills you'll find me as transparent after one long good discussion :)

    By Blogger Maijaury, at 2:04:00 PM  

  • Hello Mais,
    Allow me to share my thoughts and opinions..
    Our life is a sequence of events; you can’t separate them from each others…
    Its fantastic to enjoy the process itself to the maximum, by this we will love our world ,work ,people,… and feel each moment of our life, but this enjoyment will lead our curious to celebrate the achievement and watch the results(goals) to complete life’s cycle…
    Engineering mind; consider your life as an equation, full of variables, and not to leave one variable to control it, so you will have the balance in your life and see the world from different views, each view controlled by X,Y,Z,….

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:09:00 PM  

  • Hey Amer,
    Thank you for sharing that. I totally respect what you said, it is true in real world. But I was living in J World; if it does make sense it wouldn't be J World anymore. Think of it as an attempt to loose relation with reality.
    Again thank you for contributing, I am glad to know that you read my blog :)

    By Blogger Maijaury, at 10:59:00 PM  

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