Miss J's World

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Can you help Jakee?

You can't just buy chocolate in J World, they grow on trees. Different bars in different qualities, all the kinds you can find in shops in real world. But to be able to pick it from its tree, the bar has to agree. Not anyone can eat any chocolate bar in J World. Chocolate bars have the right to resist if they don't want that little person from J World to eat them.

Jakee, like all other little people in J World, never knew which bars of chocolate he could pick. He just tried. And whenever he tried he was able to pick it and eat it. Some really tasted bitter and some were so bad he didn't even bother taking a second bite. Many bars he tried and he could pick them all, now he started finding good tasting chocolate bars. but for some reason he wanted to look for more.

Watching other little J people having so much trouble in picking bars, unlike him, he felt happy.
"I am lucky! " he thought "Chocolate bars like me, I have a gift"

Now he started finding good tasting bars, but that wasn't enough.
"I can find better ones" as he said that, he threw the good tasting bar away without bothering to finish it.

He kept wandering from tree to tree to another...
"I want a better one...."
"Nope nope....."
And the ones he is refusing now are really good, but he is so sure he can find better.

I wonder can he ?
He became so arrogant!
Can you help Jakee?


  • Hey ya..

    Not arrogant, when u have something good u always look out there for something better, of course to a certain extent...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28:00 PM  

  • 'to a certain extent' is the whole point. Jakee threw the good chocolate remember?

    By Blogger Maijaury, at 2:39:00 PM  

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