Miss J's World

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A respectful young man

Driving in the parking lot of the mall tonight, I was looking for a place to park close to the main door, because we have been hearing alot of stories about bag snatching incidents and assults on ladies lately in Amman. I spotted two girls heading to their car, one was taking out the keys from her bag. So I lit the flashers and slowed down waiting for them to drive out so I can park in that spot.

Few minutes later, just as the girls were leaving, a fancy four-wheel vehicle with a "dubai" license plate stopped aside of our car. A guy inside, in the right front passenger seat, was talking to me pointing with his hand to the spot as in "we want to park there" or "are you parking there?" I didn't really understand but I just nodded with my head and pointed to the same spot answering "YES I am parking THERE" -Pointing to THAT SAME Spot. Now he started waving with his hand "open the window". I was really puzzled -what does he want!

I thought maybe I should listen to him, but what could he possibly have to say! At that moment the girls' car was leaving so I just ignored them. I am just not the kind who listens to people in streets. Before I even had the chance to move the car, the guy driving was already moving his car to park in. walla o sa7betkum injannat! I stepped on the gas and literally 'da7ashet' my car and parked before him.

The driver stopped the car 6ab3an. My mom went out of the car and the guy in the passenger seat directed to her saying "That was my sister who was parked there!! " can you believe such a stupid lie! eeh walla law inno 6af khames!! Anyway, my mom replied "7atta wala - So.. is it supposed to belong to the family?.. "

That is when I stepped out, not a word went out of my mouth yet, and seriously I had no intention whatsoever to say anything. I just wanted to walk to the main door and go into the mall. I couldn't hear what was my mom and that guy kept talking about because the driver, who had stepped out as well, stood behind my back and said "bte3rafi innek ma btesta7i.. inti wa7deh 7akeera!! " I was really shocked.

For a few seconds I just stood there looking at him, dressed up like a decent young man. o walla o he kept going "ma btesta7i inti... habla ya zalameh hai habla... " and ishya2 kaman I couldn't hear I had to defend myself, I wanted to really use obscene language with him but I couldn't I just said "inta biddak terbayeh.. rabna bas ra7 ye6la3 min kharjak inta o sayartak.."

Should I be proud that I couldn't be as rude as him. Cause I am NOT. I wish I was rude I really wish masa7et bi karamto il 2ard.

I used to get so pissed if a guy stared at me while parking! I can't believe this happened to me in Amman. Not over reacting, but its the first time I experience such lack of delicacy!
Please I need your opinions guys about this. Is this normal? I need to know what you think about what happened?


  • 3ashan 7akatlek ya miso lazem tet3alami QETAL AL SHAWARE3 :) , kan lazem etal3i shantetek o todrobi feeha, ba3dan tshedi sha3ro o te7kli TFOO :) wela shataret jo7a 3ala wlado :)

    no u did the right thing, iza hoe ma besta7i 3ala damo then mesh lazem tenzeli la mostawa :)

    p.s. can you please open a thread about El Clásico, Barcelona Vs the Bastards next week

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:48:00 PM  

  • I am so sorry that this happened with you Maios, but at the same time u had a chance to shout at the driver in his face (all the right will be with u)and still u did not.
    This means that all the shouting and naming will stay inside the car.
    You showed a nice attitude and present us in a good manner to a person who is supposed to be our guest and does not respect that. Have a very good day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:56:00 AM  

  • mkk: ana bawarjeek bas teeji hawn ya Kurdi biddi amares fonoon il ketal kulha 3alaik!
    Don't worry i'll be posting about the Spanish league soon bas yemken after the game next week
    Salma: Thank you for the support Saloomi :)

    By Blogger Maijaury, at 2:32:00 PM  

  • This is for Aboud who was making fun of the Valet Parking...

    By Blogger and life goes on..., at 2:32:00 PM  

  • really from my heart iam saying i wish i was there instead of you really kont nzelt fi dareb la sheb3 he is so rude.. u should tell the security guy there or smthing.....but you did the right thing anyway coz ma nazalti mestawaki elhom!! they r silly

    i faced such moment but with shofer taxi... imagine!! read this post

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:01:00 PM  

  • Meso..

    No sweetie you absolutely did the right thing, such people are not humans to start with and have absolutely no manners whatsoever.
    This guy is a jerk and i just wonder how is he able to bare himself.

    Being who you are and the way you reacted reflects the environment you were raised in and that you should be thankful to.
    Never regret being unable to say bad things or have bad manners.

    You should ALWAYS be proud of yourself for being who you are.
    I am proud of you.

    Always keep your chin up ;o)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:49:00 PM  

  • khalas guys you convinced me! hehe
    wedad: I read it and OMG! I can't imagine how you felt, ana min kelmet '7akeera' haik injanait! Thank you for visiting my blog :)
    Hiba:Haboooosh Shaaanx athartee fee ya binit :)

    By Blogger Maijaury, at 9:42:00 AM  

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